The Market Trend Analyzer is a price based, long term trend following system designed as a fail safe for investment strategy and portfolios. Charts show current MTA condition for US equities, international equities, global equities, REITs, and commodities.
Market Valuation
Popular market valuation metrics
Monetary Conditions
Major monetary indicators including the yield curve, key interest rates, our bond momentum indicator, monetary aggregates, etc.
Psychology Indicators
Key market sentiment indicators
Market Risk Index
Market Risk Index scales from 0 to 100%. Higher readings correspond with higher risk markets. Scores below 25% are bullish. Scores between 25-75% are neutral, and scores above 75% are markets vulnerable to major drawdowns.
Model Category Readings (Percentiles)
- Psychology 99.7%
- Monetary 87.2%
- Valuation 99.3%
- Market Trend 9.8%